Welcome to our price guide for Walking Dead comic books #31 – #40. A note about the values is that they come from actual online auction sales. The graded “CGC” values are from comic books that are already graded, which is an added cost if you don’t have your book graded/authenticated already. If you are selling your book, expect dealers to offer you towards (and below) the low end of the comic books value because they need to re-sell it. Additionally, the values don’t reflect ebay/paypal fees which run about 20%.
The Walking Dead #31
Published: September 2006
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Art: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Pinup back cover art by Cliff Rathburn. There is a 6 page “Rock Bottom” preview by Joe Casey and Charlie Adlard in this issue.
- CGC 9.8 – $50
- Ungraded – $20
Signed By Robert Kirkman
CGC 9.8 – $80
The Walking Dead #32
Published: November 2006
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Art: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
The pinup on the back cover is by Ryan Ottley and Cliff Rathburn.
- CGC 9.8 – $50
- CGC 9.6 – $30
- CGC 9.2 – $12 – $17
- Ungraded – $10 – $50
The Walking Dead #33
Published: December 2006
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Art: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
In this issue Michonne gets his revenge, and there’s a pinup cover on the back by Cliff Rathburn. The 1st print of this issue has a red background. The more rare blue background is from a 2nd printing and is more valuable.
Red Version (1st Print)
- CGC 9.8 – $60
- CGC 9.6 – $50
- CGC 9.4 – $45
- Ungraded – $20 $60+
Blue Version (2nd Print)
- CGC 9.8 – $400
- CGC 9.6 – $240
- Ungraded – $90 – $165+
CGC 9.8 – Signed by Robert Kirkman – $150
The Walking Dead #34
Published: January 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard
Art: Charlie Adlard
Pinup cover on the back is by Cliff Rathburn
- CGC 9.8 – $65 – $70
- CGC 9.6 – $35
- Ungraded $10 – $30
The second printing features a cover that has a more yellowish undertone. There is an error version that is very collectible and valuable.
Second Printing ERROR
The Indicia reads 3/06 – which is the year before the comic book was actually released.
- CGC 9.8 – $265
- CGC 9.6 – $190
The Walking Dead #35
Published: February 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard
Art: Charlie Adlard
Pinup on the back cover is by Cliff Rathburn. There is a 6 page “Pirates of Coney Island” preview by Rick Spears and Vasilis Lolos inside.
- CGC 9.8 – $55 – $80
- Ungraded – $10 – $35
Error Variant – Page 21 is printed twice. These error copies don’t come up for sale all too often, so be sure to check current listings for sale for the most up to date prices.
- CGC 9.8 – $1,440
- CGC 9.6 – $350 – $400
When issue #35 was first printed, it was messed p, and it was my fault. I downloaded the proofs and didn’t look at them right away. Image contacted me the next day to see if I had looked over the proofs and thinking back, I remembered downloading them, and I USUALLY look at the right away, so I figured I must have looked at them, and I didn’t REMEMBER there being a problem … so I approved the book. So then, when the book came in and was f**ked up (page 21 printed twice instead of 22) I couldn’t really do anything. The printer wouldn’t reprint it free of charge since it wasn’t their fault. So I reprinted the issue on my dime, eating the cost of an entire separate print run.
I’m still kicking myself for doing that.
But we participate in a retailer first look program, where retailers get copies of book a week early so they can show customers and adjust orders if they think they need more copies. I thought it’d be neat to let some of the BAD copies leak out in that program. It’s only 1500 copies or something. I figured they’d be collectors items, or a neat variant version for people to hunt down.
But I didn’t exactly announce this, so maybe it wasn’t the best idea.
Anyway, the vast majority of the print run 25,000 or so are completely fine. So you should have no trouble returning that copy to a retailer and getting a good one.
– Robert Kirkman responding to a fan letter
The Walking Dead #36
Published: March 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard
Art: Charlie Adlard
This issue features the death of Martinez. The pinup cover on the back is done by Cliff Rathburn.
- CGC 9.8 – $45 – $70
- CGC 9.6 – $55 – $65
- Ungraded – $10 – $40
The Walking Dead #37
Published: May 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard
Art: Charlie Adlard
Pinup cover on the back is by Cliff Rathburn
- CGC 9.8 – $45
- CGC 9.6 – $35 – $45
- CGC 9.2 – $25
- Ungraded – $10 – $30
The Walking Dead #38
Published: June 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard
Art: Charlie Adlard
Pinup cover on the back is by Cliff Rathburn
- CGC 9.8 – $50
- CGC 9.6 – $35 – $45
- Ungraded – $10 – $30
The Walking Dead #39
Published: July 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Art: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Cover: Charlie Adlard
The back features an ad for The Strange Talent of Luther Strode.
- CGC 9.8 – $75 – $100
- CGC 9.6 – $37 – $70
- Ungraded – $10 – $30
The Walking Dead #40
Published: August 2007
Story: Robert Kirkman
Cover: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Art: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Rick and Lori name their baby Judith in this issue. Dale loses his leg. An ad for The Walking Dead 36 x 24 Poster appears on the back cover.
- CGC 9.8 – $60
- CGC 9.6 – $35 – $55
- Ungraded – $10 – $30
More The Walking Dead Comic Book Price Guides